Our story
Haroldson Farms is a family-owned business that started in 2017. We grow produce on land that has been cared for by the Haroldson family for five generations (plus the sixth generation getting their little hands dirty at times). As a USDA Certified Organic farm, we are committed to growing the highest quality produce naturally and sustainably.
Founder Kyle Haroldson is passionate about providing fresh, healthy food to the local community. As a former college athlete with a continued focus on health and healthy living, Kyle understands the importance of fueling bodies with nutritious foods. Numerous years of eating fresh, raw produce while living in Brazil also gave Kyle the desire to develop a farm that could provide his community with the highest quality produce.

Our Mission

Our mission is to bring a variety of fresh, locally grown organic and conventional produce to eastern South Dakota. To achieve this we continually improve and innovate our farming and business methods while improving our soil and crop quality. We focus on providing fresh produce to schools, farmers markets, direct-to-customers, supermarkets, and restaurants.